Piping Insulation

High Quality, High Performance, Long-Lasting Insulation Solutions
From start to finish, T-FIT makes insulation decisions easy. Installation is simple and straightforward, even when time and space are tight. The modular design of the insulating components makes maintenance inspections a simple ‘open and close’ operation. And with a decade and more of active service ahead, the investment is easy to justify. Not only does the T-FIT range combine the highest performance with the highest levels of protection from an insulation material, but a service life measured in years makes for a Total Cost of Ownership that boosts the bottom line.
Connect with a Triangle team member to discuss your piping insulation needs!

T-FIT Insulation offers products for a variety of manufacturing and cleanroom environments. With unmatched performance and minimal maintenance, T-FIT offers a trustworthy solution for your application.
Speak With A Dedicated Process Equipment Representative
Triangle Process Equipment has developed an extensive product offering through partnerships with industry leading sanitary process manufacturers. With extensive experience in the industry, count on us to meet your needs while improving your facility’s operation and efficiency.